The Power of Extremolytes

Ectoin, a small extremolyte molecule, protects microorganisms in hostile environments such as deserts, salt lakes, and arctic ice. This resilience makes it highly effective in skincare, providing hydration and protecting the skin's moisture balance, also known as the hydro complex.

Proven Benefits Since 1985

Discovered in 1985, Ectoin has been extensively studied and proven to offer numerous skin benefits, including:

Antipollution and bluelight protection
Hydration and soothing
Barrier repair
Anti-aging properties
Sustainable and Effective Skincare


By utilizing extremolytes from microorganisms and plants in extreme environments, we minimize the need for multiple ingredients, reducing allergy risks while enhancing effectiveness for various skin conditions, from anti-aging to dry and teenage skin. Our science-based biolab processes ensure sustainability by avoiding disruption of natural habitats, delivering clean and safe skincare products.